LeadershipNow 140: February 2009 Compilation

Here are a selection of
tweets from February 2009:
- Currently, GM supports five retirees in the U.S. for every active employee. Nearly equals the population of Wyoming - almost 500M
- RT @AlexKaris: Children spell the word Love - "T I M E" - make your investment today! - That pretty well nails it!
- So long as our compensation systems encourage execs to look only a year or two ahead, that’s what they'll continue to do http://ow.ly/uXB
- Our economy didn't get into this mess because executives were paid too much. Rather they were paid too much for doing the wrong things. WSJ
- Shoichiro Toyoda: “We are not gods, we are not infallible. Sometimes even Tiger Woods misses a shot.” (WSJ Sub Req) http://ow.ly/rWq
- Microsoft is sponsoring a free download of 5 classic HBR articles. http://ow.ly/jqG
- Some “positional leaders” are so good at managing that they obstruct genuine leadership.
- Jack Hayhow's "Kicking the Recession's Butt" e-book FREE download here >> http://ow.ly/ilq
- 2009 C-SPAN Survey of Presidential Leadership - Overall Ranking http://ow.ly/ilf
- Many organizations are providing leadership for the past because they don’t understand the present enough to project the future.
- Many Emerging leaders feel stifled because they come to a situation where all questions of how to organize and lead were answered long ago
- The “all-hat-no-cattle leader” Time Magazine http://ow.ly/fmD
- U have 2 get people 2 face up 2 the reality. People will follow you. What they can't stand is unrealistic deluded leadership. A Norman, ASDA
- Mr. New Deal Harry Hopkins of FERA '33: "Our job is to relieve the unemployed not to develop a big social-work organization." What a concept
- "I don’t like offending people, and it’s easy to offend people when you don’t know as much as they do." Good insight by Seth Godin.
- What business ppl need to do to regain trust: Stop behaving like 18th century French aristocracy. Think shared sacrifice. http://ow.ly/8Pv
- “That’s the way we’ve always done it.” Are we so tied to our approach that we lose our effectiveness?
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Posted by Michael McKinney at 08:22 AM
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